The Childcare Subsidy Program (CSP) provides financial support for the costs of childcare incurred while training, rehearsing and/or performing.

This program is made possible through the generous support of the CADA/West Board and Membership through fundraising efforts.


CSP submission form


Submissions are due the 10th of the month, 5pm PST

Receipts may pre-date submission by two months—e.g. the May 10 deadline accepts receipts for March and April. Receipts older than two months are not eligible.

Eligibility & limits

$7/hour childcare reimbursement, up to $100/month or until funds run out

For example, a receipt for 6 hours of childcare at $16/hr will result in a reimbursement of $42 (6 hrs X $7/hr). We can not take into consideration any tax paid.

You will be asked to describe the training or performing that took place during the time that childcare was required.

Subsidy is per household if both parents are CADA/West members.

We reimburse eligible childcare costs until funds run out.

The CSP program year runs from April 1–March 31, in conjunction with our Membership year

Submission requirements

CADA/West Professional or Emerging level Membership must be current to receive subsidies

Applications are only accepted via the online CSP submission form, completed in full with electronic copies of your childcare reciepts attached.

Receipt requirements

The following is required on ALL childcare receipts:

Please note: credit card statements, bank account statements and membership agreements are not a sufficient form of documentation

A reminder to keep original receipts for your taxes!